
Fun Stuff To Do-200 Innovative, Spectacular Boredom Busters

We all have days when we can’t think of fun things to do. Thus, boredom traps us with its ugly hooks. And who wants to do boring chores when we have free time?

So, you’ve come to the internet for answers, and I have 200 of them right here. 200 fun, unique ideas! Some for learning and self-development, others for relaxing and building stronger relationships. Hence, once you’ve read through this post, you may never be bored again!

So, here is the best list of fun activities on the Internet! Now, let’s get rolling and start having fun!

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Fun Stuff To Do While Learning Something New

  1. Download a translator app on your phone and teach yourself a new language.
  2. Learn a new song from a singer you like.
  3. Teach yourself to crochet or knit. Use a book or go online for a guide. You’ll love how relaxing it is!
  4. Try the new potato printing craze!
  5. Learn how to make pretty, homemade soap.
  6. Or try learning to play a musical instrument.
  7. Take up roller skating or ride a scooter.
  8. Try Origami. Learn this skill by going online. Here’s a fun Origami Paper Kit to try.
  9. Learn how to dance hip-hop.
  10. Or teach yourself some other dance moves!
  11. Buy a book about something you’ve always wanted to learn. And enjoy learning!
  12. Teach yourself ten new jokes.
  13. Learn how to do Cricut.
Dancing is a fun thing to do.

Helping Others Is Fun And Makes A Difference

  1. Bake cookies and take them to the local fire or police department.
  2. Get out of the house and volunteer. Check local shelters and charitable organizations to see where help is needed.
  3. Write a letter to a deployed soldier overseas. Write to Soldiers
  4. Send a care package to someone.
  5. Perform an act of kindness for a stranger.
  6. Take a friend who’s feeling down by taking them a pie or doing something thoughtful.
  7. Visit your parents and take a look around. Then help them out with anything needing to be done.
  8. Call local charitable organizations, churches, or schools to find out what they need. Then organize a drive.
  9. Organize a neighborhood bake sale and donate the proceeds to charity.
Bike riding with grandparents is fun.

Fun Stuff To Do With Kids

  1. Everybody draws a pin-the-tail character (rear view, of course) with a separate tail to match. Tape each picture to the wall, Then put some tape on the tails. Next, while blindfolded, see who pins the most matching tails to the right behind.
  2. Play Twister.
  3. Go swimming. Look for an indoor pool if the weather isn’t warm and sunny.
  4. Watch clouds with the kids while lying flat on your backs. Guess what each cloud looks like. In addition, try making up stories about them.
  5. Create imaginary best friends who are your perfect opposites. Then have a ball playing with them.
  6. Build a volcano! This National Geographic Kit includes 15 scientific experiments and Stem activities.
  7. Or make a fort out of sheets and blankets, drape them over tables, and turn it into a kids’ club.
  8. Draw whatever you are thinking. And make it interesting. Plus, see if everybody can guess what it is!
  9. Watch funny online videos of animals.
  10. Check out spotthedifference.com
  11. Walk to the park and have a picnic. Take the dog and enjoy a lazy afternoon.
  12. Enjoy a tea party with your daughter. You can dress up. Also, use this opportunity to teach table manners in a fun environment.
  13. Build elaborate playhouses out of large cardboard boxes and paint them. Use hankies or pillowcases for curtains.
Picnics are fun things to do together.

Fun Things To Do With The Entire Family

  1. Head out and spend the night in a nearby hotel for a mini-vacation. Enjoy the pool, restaurant, and spa!
  2. Have fun setting up a tent in the backyard and camping out. Roast hot dogs and marshmallows in this easy-to-use steel firepit.
  3. Everybody invents and makes a new recipe, then tastes each other’s creations to see which tastes the best.
  4. Have a Lego building contest. The winner gets to choose where to go for dinner!
  5. Visit a nearby lake and go fishing with the kids.
  6. Fill balloons from the Dollar Store with water and have a water balloon fight.
  7. Make goofy videos together. Use lots of fun filters. Pick one to frame and hang it on the wall!
  8. Design your own T-shirts at cafepress.com.
  9. Have a blast writing your will. Leave your goofiest stuff to family members, and then read the will to them. However, the will’s biggest stipulation is they can’t get rid of it!
  10. Have a family game night with a few fun snacks.
  11. Play some old-fashioned card games like Crazy Eight, Old Maid, or Poker
  12. Or treat everyone to crafts at a local craft shop, such as paintingwithatwist.com.
  13. Enjoy building a model car, airplane, or train set from a kit.
  14. Create your own game for the family to play.
helping the elderly can be fun

Helping the elderly is both fun and rewarding.

Have Fun In The Community

  1. Head on over to the local library and check out some good books.
  2. Take your dog for a walk in a different neighborhood.
  3. Make a list of fun shops you’ve never visited and check them out with a friend.
  4. Rent or borrow a bike and go for a ride. Find out if you still remember how!
  5. Maybe you could head to the karaoke bar to sing and laugh the night away. Or have your own fun night at home with this!
  6. Visit the makeup counter of a department store for a makeover.
  7. Tour a couple of gyms in the neighborhood and see if you want to join one.
  8. Or check out the local YMCA.
  9. It’s always a treat to check out a farmer’s market.
  10. Head out to some discount and resale shops to find some fun bargains.
  11. Enjoy a visit to a museum or the community’s botanical gardens.
  12. Hop in the car and tour nearby towns to visit restaurants, shops, and attractions.
  13. Take in a ballgame.
  14. Or take a sewing class
  15. Join a Zumba class
  16. Find a local stable and go horseback riding.
  17. Research all of the historical markers in the area. Then, go visit them.
  18. Drive to the cemetery and walk around. Look at names and dates on old tombstones. It’s fun to notice how names have changed over the years.
  19. Go out to eat in a restaurant for food you’ve never eaten before, maybe African or Indian.
  20. Head out to a church service to feed your soul.
  21. Check the internet for any festivals or concerts coming up.
  22. Buy some luxurious sheets and sleep like royalty tonight. 283,087 people on Amazon say this set is a great buy!
  23. Lastly, detail your car and drive through the neighborhood to show it off.
Cooking together is a fun thing to do.

Fun Things To Do In The Kitchen

  1. Plan a sushi dinner. You can get takeout and eat barefoot atop a tablecloth on the floor. And even better, plan a monthly ethnic dinner while practicing its cultural style.
  2. Make homemade ice cream.
  3. Try a cake decorating kit and surprise the family with your beautiful creation!
  4. Cook a week’s worth of meals and store them in the freezer for the busy week ahead.
  5. Build a tiny house made entirely of food items!
  6. Try your hand at a charcuterie board using a unique gourmet tray like this one. See if you can include all five food groups. Or make a dessert board.
  7. Invent a new recipe together and then make it.
  8. Collaborate on creating healthy menus for the next 30 days.
  9. Everybody pitches in to make and decorate iced cookies. And decide who can make the prettiest one.
  10. Have a tic-tac-toe tournament. Use duct tape to make gameboards on the floor. Use paper plates for O’s and plastic cups for X’s.

Relax And Enjoy Down-Time

  1. Research online crafts and find an interesting one to make.
  2. Hike a nearby trail you’ve never explored before.
  3. Give yourself a mani-pedi.
  4. Have a spa day at home, complete with a bubble bath and music. Then, have an all-over lotion treatment, followed by a facial.
  5. Start a journal. This one is rated 4.9 out of 5 stars on Amazon.
  6. Meditate. Find an online how-to for learning the ropes.
  7. Or try yoga. Again, an online tutorial can be a great teacher.
  8. Make your bucket list.
  9. Take a ride out to the country and visit a local farm.
  10. Plan an impromptu weekend away.
  11. Make some healthy smoothies.
  12. Take a nap.
  13. Get a massage.
  14. Practice deep breathing exercises.
  15. Start a memory scrapbook
  16. Allow yourself to daydream.
  17. Make a gratitude list.
woman getting a relaxing massage.

Fun Stuff To Do With Friends

  1. Invite some friends over for wine and a good movie.
  2. Or have the neighbors over for a cookout.
  3. Host an impromptu coffee/breakfast brunch.
  4. Also, consider a themed PJ party and sleepover.
  5. Start an investment club.
  6. Or maybe a book club.
  7. Plan a costume party just for fun.
  8. Play charades while drinking wine.
  9. Sign up for dance lessons with your bestie.
  10. Have a joke night with friends. Everybody comes with 10-15 jokes prepared.
  11. Find a pen pal and start a new relationship.
  12. Set up a clothes swap where everyone can exchange fashions and accessories they no longer want.
  13. Play some of my favorite games such as Speak Out, Spotify, Clue, or Yahtzee. Find a game here.
  14. Make leis, and Pina Coladas. Also, buy some dollar-store grass skirts. Then host a backyard luau and learn how to belly dance or do the hula.
  15. Play dodgeball using slightly deflated or very soft balls.
  16. Enjoy a bunco night where everyone puts in $15 to buy a nice prize for the winner.
  17. Plan a girl’s trip.
  18. Organize a jewelry-making party.
  19. Watch a movie outside with a projector. And be sure to pop popcorn.
People enjoying an outdoor movie.

Great Ideas For Fun Solo Activities

  1. Teach your dog some new tricks.
  2. Plan a vacation and make a plan for financing it.
  3. Repurpose an old piece of furniture
  4. Buy some supplies and try your hand at painting on canvas.
  5. Take a photo of your house and use it to draw your home using charcoal pencils. Then put it in a frame and hang it on the wall.
  6. Redecorate your bedroom.
  7. Turn a special nook or closet into your private getaway. No others are allowed in your mini-hideout!
  8. Just for fun, look at help-wanted ads. Maybe you’ll accidentally find an offer you can’t pass up!
  9. Redo your backyard with a new layout.
  10. Enjoy looking for free stuff online. You’ll be amazed at what’s out there! But never divulge any personal information!
  11. Decorate the front porch.
  12. Make-up songs about people you know.
  13. Write your autobiography.
  14. Practice doing cartwheels!
  15. Try three foods you’ve never eaten before!
  16. Write and mail a letter to someone with this vintage stationery.
  17. Plant some flowers or bushes.
  18. Enjoy a cyber visit to the famous Louvre Museum.
  19. Change your hair color!
  20. Or practice fun, new hairstyles in front of the mirror.
  21. Create SMART GOALS for yourself.
  22. Invent something!
  23. Create an herb garden on the kitchen windowsill.
  24. Touch up a room with new decor.
  25. Or spice up your wardrobe with new accessories!
  26. Take an online IQ test.
  27. Research a new career or look into going back to school. Check online for available scholarships, grants, and loans.
  28. Do word puzzles. And while you’re at it, make up some for others to enjoy.
  29. Listen to a podcast.
  30. Or download an audiobook.
  31. Try an adult coloring app such as Fungamesforfree.Colorfy.
  32. Hop on Shutterfly to create a photo book.
Making charcuterie boards is a fun activity.

This breakfast charcuterie board is a fun way to serve brunch to your family.

More Interesting Things To Do By Yourself

  1. Look on Pinterest for wall art ideas and get busy creating
  2. Weed out your junk and donate it. One person’s trash is another’s treasure!
  3. Rearrange the furniture and everything on the walls.
  4. Or just redo your mantle.
  5. Create a special place to sit outside and drink coffee, tea, or wine.
  6. Buy or build a firepit and string up some outdoor lights. You many want to try these: https://amzn.to/3JSuYHw.
  7. Fix something that’s been bothering you for a while. Google to learn how it’s done.
  8. Start a vegetable garden.
  9. Play your kid’s video games when they’re out.
  10. Hit the beach and enjoy some sun. But don’t forget the sunscreen!
  11. Make a beautiful flower bouquet out of colored tissue paper.
  12. Raid your closet and try putting new tops and bottoms together. Tada! New outfits!
  13. Watch something different on television, such as an opera, an old silent movie, or a Broadway play
  14. Check out your ancestors on findagrave.com.
  15. Make breakfast for dinner tonight! As always, comfort food is amazing!
  16. Or make your own paint. Find out how on Pinterest!
  17. Plan a fun surprise for your spouse/partner.
  18. Research landmarks across the country you’d like to visit someday.
  19. Create cute cards to send to loved ones and let them know you’re thinking about them.
  20. Rummage through the attic or shed and marvel at what you find.

Fun Stuff To Do With Loved Ones

  1. Watch an old Disney movie and sing along with the songs.
  2. Play a lively game of crochet in the yard, then let the kids play in the water.
  3. Stage a play.
  4. Build an obstacle course in the living room for the little ones to enjoy.
  5. Read a novel with the entire family, like Harry Potter.
  6. Put a big puzzle together.
  7. Take a walk around the neighborhood. Make sure to teach little ones about any plants, birds, and nature you see. In addition, allow children to select a souvenir, such as an acorn, stone, or wildflower, to take home.
  8. Organize a scavenger hunt.
  9. Let the neighborhood kids put on a talent show at your house. All the grownups get to be the audience.
  10. Light some candles and turn out all of the lights. While observing fire safety, immerse yourselves in telling scary stories.
  11. Pull out old photo albums and reminisce about “the good old days!”
  12. Sleep in your guestroom. Or exchange beds with your children for one night.
  13. Make a family or group TikTok video. And don’t hold back!
  14. Take turns with your partner giving each other massages.
  15. Don’t forget to take your Mom or sister out to lunch!
  16. Get your partner out of that recliner and go on a date!
  17. Or sign up for dance lessons.
  18. Have a banana split party.
  19. Make Christmas ornaments together.
  20. Have pizza night. Everybody creates their own mini pizzas using refrigerated pizza dough. Simply roll it flat, add toppings, and bake until the crusts are done! Voila!
  21. Everybody rummages through each other’s closets and puts together crazy outfits. Then, be sure to take a crazy group photo.
Fishing with kids creates fun memories.

A Few Last-Minute Ideas For A Good Time

  1. Enjoy a campfire in the firepit while reading a scary book. Don’t forget to make smores!
  2. Teach a child to play a sport or a skill, such as riding a bike.
  3. Plant a sunflower playhouse for the neighborhood kids.
  4. Take everybody to the park and have a ball playing together.
  5. Call someone you haven’t spoken to in a long time to reconnect.
  6. Eat pizza outside under the stars. And enjoy pointing out different constellations.
  7. Make your own bubbles at home.
  8. Collect rocks and paint them.
  9. Hang a bird feeder outside a large window.
  10. And last, plan a fun family reunion.

Wrap It Up

Now you have 200 (maybe 201, but who’s counting?) fun ideas to do when you’re bored! With the variety of activities in this post, everybody can find something to enjoy. Plus, make some happy memories in the process.

It’s all good and clean fun!

So, no more twiddling your thumbs and wondering what to do! It’s time to enjoy this fabulous day!

200 Spectacular Boredom Busters

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  1. I love all the different options and how they’re separated into categories! I look forward to more articles!

  2. Who needs kids? I’d do these myself! Lol! They sound like so much fun! Thank you so much for sharing them!

  3. Your list is chocked full of wonderful ideas to beat boredom! And I love that there is a great mix of activities that nurture creativity, fitness and service. Thank you for sharing!

  4. As an Army Spouse, I really appreciate the write to a soldier and send a care package options 🙂 Thank you for sharing!

  5. These are so much fun. I love everyone of them. Me and my nieces have Nerf gun wars every weekend when I babysit them. I have so much fun and they have a blast. We also make flavor Play-Doh which gets everywhere, but it’s fun.

  6. I was definitely needing a list like this for stuff to do on my days off and I had a case of boredom! Thanks so much for sharing! I’ll be holding onto this for awhile!

  7. Great list of boredom busters here for sure! I always can use lists like these to get me out of my normal routine and to help me try something new!

  8. I am absolutely blown away by the fantastic ideas you’ve shared to beat boredom! Your list is just chocked full of wonderful and exciting activities that not only nurture creativity, but also promote fitness and service to others. Thank you so much for sharing these amazing ideas!

  9. It is nice to have some ways to be doing things, and not be bored. I have a sense of boredom a lot lately, and I don’t know if it is a post-Covid pandemic era thing.

  10. Wow! These are all really great and amazing ideas! I think my family would enjoy building a Lego contest!

  11. This is proof there is always something to do. I can’t stand when my kids whine that they are bored!

  12. I need to pin this post because I found here a lot of fun ideas. I need to make my own list and try it!

  13. I enjoyed reading your lists. A fun activity is something I’m always looking for. Thank you so much for sharing

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