woman in white knit sweater smiling while little girl licking icing on her spoon

75 Innovative, Indoor Activities That Will Bust Boredom

Are you stuck inside and looking for some fun indoor activities? Have screaming kids gone nuts from too much energy or boredom? Either the weather’s not cooperating, or there’s not enough money to blow on an outing.

Well, you’ve come to the right place! Because this post is chock full of innovative ideas that will soon have everyone smiling!

Boredom-busting ideas abound for the family and for you and your spouse to enjoy together! However, the icing on the cake is the last 25 ideas in this post are for you alone!

Let’s get the ball rolling with some fun ideas for the whole family!

25 Boredom Busters For Indoor Family Fun

  • Have everyone draw five to ten items that can be found in the home. Without identifying the items, divide into teams and go hunting with someone else’s list! The first team to find all of the correct items wins! Thus, the fun is in guessing what the items are!
  • Another great indoor activity is this game from my childhood. One person hides a small item, such as a golf tee, in plain sight. Then the rest of the family looks for it. Of course, the first person to spot the item becomes the next one to hide it.
  • Have a tea party. Everyone dresses up in their finery and uses real china cups and saucers. Furthermore, be sure to practice your best prissy manners!
  • Make up a holiday such as: (your last name) Family Day! (Made-up holidays have become the thing, I hear.) Then come up with fun ways to celebrate your special day.
  • Make a scrapbook of your last family vacation.
  • Write and produce a family play, complete with costumes. Then perform it for grandparents and friends.
  • Raid each other’s closets and dress up in someone else’s clothes, shoes, and accessories. In addition, have a blast taking funny family photos you will enjoy for years to come!
  • Have a pet show. But ensure every pet wins a category so no furry feelings are wounded. For more fun, the kids can design and create ribbon prizes. Or use bandanas around furry necks as awards.
  • Bake and decorate cookies. Plus, everyone should hand-create one special cookie for a family contest. Every family member gets a vote for the most creative, most beautiful, and most unusual cookie.
  • Build a stage and create sock puppets. Then take it a step further and produce a puppet show. The entire family has a role. Consequently, be sure to find some unsuspecting victims for your audience.
  • On movie night, enjoy a picnic on the floor. Beforehand, everyone can pitch in to create appetizing charcuterie and dessert trays.
  • Challenge the family to an afternoon of crafting using only supplies found in your home. But I will leave it up to you to decide if cheating with Pinterest or Etsy is allowed.
  • Everyone writes a bucket list of at least ten items. But don’t put names on them. Shuffle the lists and read them out loud. Next, have a blast guessing which list belongs to whom.
  • Host a dance marathon and find out who can last the longest. Or teach the kids to dance like pros!
  • Build a giant Leggo project. Search the entire house because every last Leggo must be used to complete this massive project!
  • If everyone needs a mental health day, declare a pajama day! Besides wearing PJs all day long, no one combs their hair or puts on makeup. Thus, the entire day is devoted to movies, fun, and slumber-party antics.
  • Another fun relaxation activity is a spa day. Everybody gets a manicure and a pedicure, even the guys! Self-care is for everyone! In addition, there are always bubble baths, hair treatments, facials, and little girls can learn how to put on make-up tastefully.
  • Next, everyone can join in for some art lessons via YouTube Kids. There are multiple free sites where kids (and big kids) can learn. Check out Art For Kids Hub, which has some great projects kids will love!
  • Have a spelling bee!
  • Create art or jewelry from food items, such as dried beans, lentils, rice, macaroni, or hard candies.
  • Cover the table with plastic, then spray shaving cream on it. Mix different colors of food dye with the cream and let the kids have at it! But be warned! Afterward, a bath will be needed!
  • Let your child pick out some colors and paint their bedroom. Or rearrange the furniture. Then, organize the millions of toys into an efficient system. Whatever is needed to improve your children’s space and make them feel special!
  • Pick a classic novel full of adventure to read together. Everyone can take turns.
  • Create an obstacle course with anything you can find. Toys, chairs. pillows, tables to crawl under, etc. Then get busy!
  • And last but not least, another great indoor activity for children is baking and decorating a gingerbread house. Create a cute scene by arranging a dollhouse or playdough furniture inside. And be sure the windows are large enough to see the cozy interior.
  • Now, you have 25 innovative and fun indoor activities for creating lasting memories. As a result, these ideas can bust boredom away for the rest of the day!
fun at home with a romantic date

Fun Indoor Activities For Both You And Your Partner

  • Play charades and keep score. Best of Seven to Ten. The loser cooks the winner’s meal of choice.
  • Have a candlelight dinner and dress to the nines. Afterward, get into comfy clothes to watch a great movie.
  • Give each other massages and a lotion bath. If you warm the lotion bottle in warm (not hot) water, it feels amazing! Be sure to test the temperature of the lotion before using it on your partner.
  • Before or after the massage, give each other a pedicure. After this, you’ll be relaxed enough to sleep like a baby!
  • Plan a vacation together. And make sure both parties get to choose activities of interest to do.
  • Play “Spot It,” a fun and inexpensive card game. It’s guaranteed barrels of laughter! (And it can be played with the kids too.)
  • Set up a tent and camp indoors. For dinner, you can have hot dogs, baked beans, and camp potatoes, with cherry cobbler for dessert! Or roast marshmallows over the stove.
  • Have a poker tournament and order pizza. Make it high stakes and let the winner choose a favorite from the loser.
  • Create a shelf display on a bare wall. Afterward, enjoy how it feels to accomplish a nice project together!
  • Do a Tick Tock video together. Maybe, you’ll form a giant following!
  • Sing karaoke duets! Because that’s always a fun-filled activity!
  • Have a wine and paint night at home. You could do half of the painting or do your own separately.
  • Give your dogs a bath and paint their nails!
  • Take a nap! Actually, this is another favorite indoor activity of mine!
  • Also, try taking turns making up jokes. See who tells the funniest ones!
  • Enjoy an at-home ice cream party for two, complete with multiple flavors and toppings.
  • Recreate old family photos.
  • Try something completely different and make sushi at home. Notably, you can find the kits at some grocery stores or an Asian market.
  • Slow dance to romantic music. Or take an online dance class together!
  • You can play mini golf using cans, cups, bottles, etc. Enjoy playing an 18-hole course in various rooms throughout your home.
  • Conduct a private wine tasting. Moreover, several varieties are needed to determine your favorite.
  • Decorate the house in the current seasonal theme, even if it’s not one you do normally, such as the 4th of July, Valentine’s, or President’s Day.
  • Prep your home for a garage sale. As a result, you’ll clean out unwanted items while making money in the process!
  • Create gifts for each other out of things found around the house. Think outside the box and surprise your mate.
  • For your next lunch together, try buying separate grocery items, and each of you creates a separate charcuterie board. And be sure to commend your partner’s effort and creativity!

With these 25 fresh ideas for indoor activities to do with your partner, boredom busters will surely prevail! But stick around because next, we also have some great ideas for you!

Smiling woman trying a painting project

Interesting Indoor Activities Just For You

  • Paint and stencil an old piece of furniture and make it come alive again. Or paint a table base and cover the top with a piece of granite, Corian, broken china pieces, pennies, marbles, etc.
  • Create a cute coffee bar or wine rack in the kitchen or dining area.
  • Redo your bedroom and bring it into the modern century. Maybe you could turn your spare bedroom into a she-shed!
  • Inspire yourself by starting a journal. Try my beautiful freebie, the Inspirational Journal To Joy (now digital or printable). (Plus, you can enjoy my inspirational and fun weekly emails.)
  • Teach yourself to do yoga. Check out videos on YouTube. It’s great for calming and de-stressing and increases flexibility and coordination.
  • Write a poetry book. Even if you don’t like poetry, you may surprise yourself by discovering previously unknown, creative tendencies.
  • Take an entire day to do nothing but read a good novel by the fire. Without guilt. To prevent starvation, order in. (This is my favorite indoor activity.)
  • Branch out and take an online cooking class.
  • Or, for a unique look, try your hand at painting canvas shoes with fabric paint. Once, for my daughter’s dance, I painted the soles of her high heels to match the sash of her dress.
  • Learn the art of meditation and feel the muscles relax in your body. Afterward, take a two-hour bubble bath.
  • Do a giant or 3-D puzzle. In the event you want to see how long it takes, try timing it.
  • To make someone’s day, bake something yummy and take it to a neighbor or friend.
  • Or bake homemade bread and luxuriate in the wonderful scent permeating your kitchen.
  • Experiment with makeup and try some new looks. But don’t stop there. Try a new hairdo, too!
  • Take a vicarious vacation online. In addition, make it somewhere you’ve either never heard of or have always wanted to go.
  • Go out on a limb and cook a new dish. And make it something you wouldn’t normally cook. Then, go a step further and dig out your mom’s old cookbook to find a recipe to use.
  • Grow plants from seed to re-pot later outdoors. Or create an indoor mini-fairy garden.
  • Buy an adult coloring book at the dollar store and give it a go.
  • Next, use a photo of your child or partner and try painting their portrait. Or sketch it using charcoal pencils.
  • Build a time capsule and leave instructions for the person who finds them to dig it up after a certain length of time passes.
  • Write a song to sing to someone special or just for your enjoyment.
  • Organize every closet and drawer in one room of your house. Then make a pact with yourself to keep it that way!
  • Teach yourself to play an instrument. Again, YouTube is a very patient instructor.
  • Train your dog to perform a new trick. Granted, this may take several days to several weeks. And lots of patience!
  • And last, call or Facetime a friend you’ve lost touch with. They’ll be thrilled to hear from you, and you’ll be glad you called.

Final Words on Indoor Activities

In reality, we can do so many things to keep our brains active while creating lasting memories for everyone to treasure. Additionally, sharing these unique activities can create closer connections and tighten bonds with loved ones.

So, why not make enjoying a few creative indoor activities part of your weekly routine? Alleviating boredom when you’re stuck indoors is easier than you think.

Fun is out there waiting for you. Let’s make sure not to miss out on any of it!

75 fun indoor activities to do




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    1. TV and video games are convenient, but they are not the things kids will fondly remember when they are grown! So important to give kids the memories of connection in childhood!

  1. This is the perfect post for going into the cold winter months and being indoors so much more. These are really great ideas and such a comprehensive list. I’ll bookmark this for reference. Thank you for sharing!

  2. We have to try this great list of activities – especially when the next snowstorms keeps us inside. I love the bucket list idea – would be fun to do on a zoom call with my sisters!

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