
How To Relax In A Beautifully Chaotic World

Why Is It So Hard To Relax?

We all know it’s important to relax, but why is it sometimes so hard to do? Perhaps the stress and chaos of life today leave us with no time for ourselves.

It seems the new normal has become brains in chronic overdrive, continually attempting to meet daily responsibilities and pressures.

And this leads to difficulty winding down.

According to amen clinics when our brains remain overactive, it stretches our emotional and fear centers. As a result, we live in fear and worry about things going wrong. Or events that may go beyond our control.

This causes a lack of adaptability and flexibility when the unexpected happens. Often, it leads to depression and anxiety.

Another reason for the failure to relax is the tendency to distract ourselves from life’s unpleasantness by remaining chronically busy. However, when we bury emotions and painful thoughts, it leads to anxiety.

Thus, you can see why regular rest and relaxation are so important.

Therefore, I’m not only going to teach you how to relax in this post, but I’m going to lead you through a relaxation exercise. By precisely following the instructions, I am positive you’ll feel more relaxed by the end of this post.

What Do You Know About Meditation?

There are many different ways to relax, such as journaling, yoga, taking vacations, playing games with family, etc.

However, we are going to talk about the practice of meditation. Therefore, whatever you may think about this particular activity, I want you to let it go and clear your mind of preconceived notions. In other words, don’t knock it till you try it!

What Is Meditation And What Can It Do For You?

Meditation is an ancient practice with known benefits for improving brain health and overall well-being. It involves clearing the mind of stressful thoughts. Instead, the brain focuses on complete state of relaxation.

Meditation instructs the body to slow down while reducing stress. Amazingly, it helps break unhealthy habits and is also used by therapists to manage PTSD in patients.

This is a practice you can use to calm yourself when stressed. Or make it a routine part of your day. All you need is five minutes. And even longer if desired.

You may be surprised to know the practice of meditation increases the brain’s ability to think, concentrate, and solve problems. It promotes adaptability to new situations, improves sleep, and helps cardiac function. Meditation even lowers blood pressure.

Research studies reveal those who routinely meditate have more dense and larger areas of brain matter. As such, this means neurons, (brain cells), have stronger and more frequent connections with each other. The result is a brain that works more smoothly and efficiently.

There is no absolute correct method for practicing meditation. The practice can take different forms, such as focusing on the body, contemplation, emotions, mantras, mindfulness, and movement. Or it can be visually based.

Today we are performing a vision-based method combined with a focus on body movements and mindfulness.

So, let’s get to it!

meditate in a place of serenity

How To Relax With This Meditation Exercise

I want you to sit on the floor, preferably on a mat or cushion. Legs are stretched out in front of you. Hands are palm up, on the floor, on each side of your body, fingers splayed.

Now, close your eyes.

Imagine yourself in a beautiful meadow filled with your favorite flowers. There is a beautiful sunset over the horizon. A gentle breeze is gently blowing the flowers and your hair. There are no predators, no danger. Here, in this world, you are perfectly safe.

Amid this peaceful tranquility, there is no sound, not even the whirl of the wind. It is perfectly, blissfully quiet.

Once you have this clear vision in your mind, imagine the softest, lushest grass underneath your bottom as you sit on nature’s perfect carpet. Realize that you are in a place untouched by man for thousands of years.

Now, relax every muscle, one by one, starting with the top of your head and moving down your jawline and over your face. Visibly, consciously feel each muscle soften into jelly. No facial expression, tenseness, or tightness, whatsoever. Next, continue moving down the neck, gently, and softly, easing each muscle, one at a time.

Only when no stress remains in your neck, move on to the shoulders. Then down the arms, elbows, hands, and fingers. Once the tip of every single finger is at total ease, move onto your upper back and chest, easing and loosening every muscle.

Feel the stress leave your body in this beautiful, serene place of beauty and safety. The only thoughts in your mind are those of relaxation taking over your body, and the peaceful magnificence of the gorgeous meadow.

Work down the sides and abdomen, then your lower back, easing and relaxing. You are learning how to relax and it feels wonderful! Ease every single muscle, leaving no tension in the upper body.

You are safer than you’ve ever been in your life. The last time you felt this safe was in your mother’s womb, the secure, cozy place where you stayed warm and protected for nine months.

Next, relax your pelvis and hips, moving slowly, and gently down your thighs, quads, and knees. Calves and shins, ankles, feet, and toes.

When every, last toe is completely relaxed, check your entire body to ensure no tension has returned.

The peace and silence you feel are astounding. You can feel energy and rejuvenation entering your body while your entire being rests in perfect ease.

But, wait! What’s that sound? In this peaceful, gentle meadow, you open your eyes to see a lively, babbling brook flowing beside you. Water clear as grass, a lively world below its’ surface, with colorful fish nibbling at lush, bobbing plants.

Your ears fill with the comforting sound of Mother Nature’s joyful music as the brook continues to gurgle. Two, graceful swans are gliding slowly downstream. You watch them take to the air upon reaching a four-foot waterfall.

Suddenly, the air fills with the sound of singing birds, celebrating the end of the day with a gentle, lilting lullaby. Enjoy the gentle chirping while you marvel at the amazing, vast, perfect world in which you find yourself.

Finishing Up How To Relax With Breathing And Stretching Exercises

Continuing onward in this peaceful state of relaxation, inhale deeply all the way to your belly button. Continue to slowly inhale until it reaches as far as you can go, three inches behind the belly button. Hold for five seconds.

Now, slowly exhale through your mouth back to baseline. Gently repeat at least four more times, all the while keeping every muscle of your body in a state of total relaxation.

Simply enjoy the feeling of sitting calmly for a few moments. Keep your mind and body relaxed.

Now, slowly raise your arms high above your head keeping your legs and feet stretched out before you. Slowly, inhale, then exhale as you arch your back, bringing your hands down to reach your toes. Hold for five to ten seconds, then inhale as you gently raise your arms back up. Repeat at least four more times.

Keeping arms raised, slowly move from side to side, using the muscles of your waist. Continue to inhale and exhale gently. Once you’ve done this several times, carefully get to your feet.

How do you feel? Relaxed? Energized? At peace? How is it different from before you began this exercise?

Maintain The State Of Relaxation

For a stronger, lasting relaxation state, ease your way back into daily tasks. An excellent follow-up for this exercise is performing a journaling activity or moderate exercise. Remember, quiet activities are best for gathering your thoughts.

This slow return to routine is a transitional period as you ease back into the present.

Has completing this meditation exercise helped you feel more centered and grounded? Is it rewarding to know you’ve strengthened your brain in the process?

meditate by visualizing a sunset on the beach

Wrap It Up

Just as a fatigued body needs rest to function efficiently, so does your brain. Then, afterward, the brain gathers and organizes information, thinks faster, and copes with stress more efficiently.

Of course, when one is mentally recharged, this radiates to greater physical energy. As you may know, the brain has a high level of control over physical well-being.

In other words, when one learns how to relax and cope with the effects of a busy, chaotic life, it translates to a higher level of both mental and physical productivity.

As you saw from our meditation exercise, relaxation exercises only require a little bit of time and energy. This particular meditation exercise can be done quickly and at any time during the day. Moreover, it’s free of charge!

So, I challenge you to perform meditation exercises daily, using scenarios of your choice.

In conclusion, relaxing and unwinding is self-care for the brain. A healthy brain leads to a happier, healthier life. Not to mention, a brain with a reduced risk of functional loss related to age.

Indeed, a brain that enjoys healthy R&R is a brain able to deal with negative emotions such as fear, anger, and grief. Plus, it is a brain that will serve you well over time.

Therefore, it benefits us all to learn how to relax. And this type of exercise is definitely within your reach to perform. After all, you owe it to yourself to do so!


Cleveland Clinic

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  1. Meditation is amazing! I swear by it. It makes me feel so calm and relaxed. This is a great post! Thank you for motivating me to get back go meditating.

  2. My life is hectic and chaotic but I guess that`s to be expected with a home, work and family, I find myself running from one place to the next.
    Thanks for the pointers, this is the wakeup I needed.

  3. My favorite tip you gave was to ease back into daily tasks after a meditation practice. You’re so right that we shouldn’t rush back into life so quickly. What a wonderful practice you lead us through! 🙂

  4. One of my goals for the new year is starting a mediation practice. I love what you have to say about it! I’m always looking for new articles about personal growth. I wish I found your website sooner! I look forward to reading more articles.

  5. Meditation is a huge struggle with ADHD. My mind won’t calm. Walking meditation goes much better though, especially if I can walk barefoot. The mind-body connection is so important.

    1. Yes, it is and there are so many ways to practice mindfulness and meditation! It’s awesome that you know what works for you and that you follow through with it!

  6. This is such a great post about the benefits of slowing down and and practicing self-care. I love mindfulness and this is just the reminder I needed to start practicing it everyday.

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