About JoyAmongChaos

The Story of JoyAmongChaos
Susan Whited is a personal development specialist, blogger, and Registered Nurse of over 22 years who created joyamongchaos.com to inspire and empower her readers. Susan has been featured in Authority Magazine, CEO Blog Nation, and Tiny Buddha. Recently, JoyAmongChaos was listed in Feedspot’s Top 100 personal development blog sites. You can see it here: feedspot.com/personal development blogs.
The end goal of JoyAmongChaos is to create joy through personal development with an emphasis on gratitude, self-improvement, self-care, and developing social skills as clear pathways to growing happiness.
Additionally, you will enjoy much-needed time for a little fun and extra joy that will make your day shine a little brighter.
Susan’s purpose is to use her varied experience, education, and the latest research to guide readers through stressful and difficult situations. Not to mention the belief that a little laughter along the way won’t hurt a thing!
Here, you will find inspirational stories, experiences, wisdom, laughter, and helpful information that enhances personal development. The goal of this site is to help you experience your greatest potential for joy.
Susan is a mother of three and a proud Nana Sue to three little men. She loves family, reading, writing, experiencing new adventures, and traveling. (Susan also loves binging on Netflix, but that doesn’t count.)
She has played many roles while experiencing multiple challenges in today’s chaotic world. While caring for those dealing with serious illnesses, Susan has struggled with poor self-confidence, extreme shyness, relationship issues, and financial woes, yet managed to overcome each and every one of these issues.
Susan has been the wife of a heart transplant patient, a widow raising a young child, and an oncology nurse.

What Can Joy Among Chaos Do For You?
JoyAmongChaos was created to help you learn and prioritize what’s right for you and your life. You’ll be able to personally and professionally develop toward your full potential while gaining self-esteem, self-acceptance, and joy in the process. Along the way, you’ll even find ways to laugh and have some fun.
Though it’s all too easy to see the dark side of life—JoyAmongChaos can help you see the light. So, let’s laugh, let’s cry, and let’s get busy figuring out what’s important to you! Because it is your turn to shine!
JoyAmongChaos Fabulous Freebie and Inspirational Newsletter
You can now opt-in for the all-new digital Fabulous Freebie: Journal Your Way To Joyful Inspiration In Just One Week! You can download and enjoy this beauty at no cost to you. Don’t miss out on this one!

The Inspirational journal guides you through the process of changing negative mindsets and practicing gratitude. To get in on this great deal, sign up below!
You will not only get this Fabulous Freebie but also join the inspirational email list! Susan promises more freebies and uplifting content in the weekly emails, which are guaranteed to put a positive spin on your day!
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