woman wearing teal dress sitting on chair talking to man

35 Inspiring Questions To Get to Know Someone

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you met someone new but struggled to make small talk? Or perhaps there’s someone you’d like to get to know better. In either case, asking the right questions to get to know someone can be the key to unlocking deeper and more meaningful conversations.

Wikihow informs us that establishing interest and opening up to a person will strengthen your relationship and bring additional closeness.

That’s why we’ve compiled a list of 10 surprisingly insightful questions to get to know someone better. These questions go beyond the typical small talk to dive deeper into a person’s values, beliefs, and experiences. So, if you’re looking to connect with someone on a deeper level or simply want to spark interesting and meaningful conversations, read on for some thought-provoking and engaging questions.

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Why Should You Ask Questions To Get To Know Someone?

Asking questions is one of the most effective ways to get to know someone. It lets others know that you’re interested in both them and their life.

Plus, it helps you learn more about the individual’s personality, values, and experiences. When you ask someone a question, you give them the opportunity to share something about themselves. This can help you connect with them on a deeper level.

Friendly, nonintrusive questions help establish trust and build rapport. Asking interesting questions about someone’s thoughts or experiences sends an unspoken message that you’re willing to listen to them and you value their opinion. This helps create a positive and comfortable environment which leads to more meaningful conversations.

To get started, let’s look at some helpful questions you can ask someone without appearing overly curious.

Icebreaker Questions That Get A Conversation Flowing

If you’re meeting another person for the first time, it can be challenging to start an interesting discussion. Icebreaker questions are a great way to get the conversation moving. So, here are five icebreaker questions to get to know someone better:

1. What’s your favorite thing to do on the weekends?

2. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

3. What’s your favorite thing to read about?

4. Can you tell me about three things on your bucket list?

5. What’s the most fun thing you’ve ever done?

These questions are lighthearted and fun, and they can help you learn more about someone’s interests and hobbies. Once you’ve established a connection with someone, you can ask more meaningful questions.

Check out this fun, highly-rated game to help couples get to know each other better: https://amzn.to/3pq9UAp

Questions About Personal Values And Beliefs

Asking someone about their personal values and beliefs helps you gain insight into their character and worldview. Here are five inquiries to help you better understand someone’s values and beliefs:

1. What’s the most important thing to you in life?

2. Can you name three risks worth taking?

3. What’s a cause or issue that you’re passionate about?

4. Can you tell me about something that’s popular but you can’t understand why?

5. Do you believe in second chances?

These questions help you get to know someone’s priorities. Knowing what is important to another person can lead to a more meaningful discussion about topics that matter to both of you.

asking questions to get to know someone leads to deeper conversations

Questions About Hobbies And Interests

Asking someone about their hobbies and interests is a great way to learn more about the person’s personality and what they enjoy in their free time. The questions below can help you understand what encourages and motivates a person, possibly leading to more engaging discussions about shared interests.

1. What’s your favorite hobby?

2. Can you tell me about five of your favorite things?

3. What’s something you’ve always wanted to try but haven’t had the chance to do it yet?

4. If you had only one week to live, how would you spend it?

5. What’s a skill or talent you have that most people don’t know about?

A person’s answer to these questions can tell you what drives them and keeps them moving forward. This helps you steer the discussion down a path of mutual interest about shared views and beliefs.

Questions About Travel And Experiences

Asking an individual about their experiences and travels helps you learn about what they’ve seen and done. It can provide an understanding of how the person sees the world. Plus, it may stimulate interesting conversations about travel experiences and cultural views. Here are five questions to guide you in understanding how someone’s travel experience helped shape their perspective:

1. What’s the most memorable trip you’ve ever taken?

2. Which local places/attractions are the most fun to visit?

3. What’s something you’ve learned while traveling that has changed your worldview?

4. Can you tell me about the craziest travel experience you’ve had?

5. Are you more of a camper, an adventurer, an amusement park junkie, or a sightseer?

Learning the answers to these questions allows you to discover interesting experiences in a person’s past. Then, you can ask additional questions to learn more about what the other person has seen and done.

Questions About Career And Professional Aspirations

Asking someone about their career and professional aspirations helps you understand the person’s goals, work ethic, ambitions, and what they’re passionate about. It can also lead to deeper discussions about career and professional growth. These five questions can help you learn more about an individual’s work life:

1. What’s your dream job?

2. Do you have any current projects that you’re excited about?

3. What’s something you’ve learned from your work that helped you to grow?

4. In your opinion, what is the one quality a person must have to succeed?

5. What’s the best career advice you’ve ever received?

Once you understand more about someone’s career and future aspirations, it allows you to see how the person spends their workday and what they believe is needed to reach their career goals. This will aid you in sparking additional questions and conversation.

Asking the right questions to get to know someone leads to lots of laughter.

Questions About Family and Relationships

Asking a person about their family and relationships helps you learn about important people in their life. When you want to learn more about someone, it’s essential to understand why certain people are important to them. Here are five questions to help you understand someone’s personal views on relationships and what makes people important to them:

1. What’s your favorite family tradition?

2. Who has had the biggest influence on your life?

3. What’s something you value in a close friendship?

4. What’s the most important thing your family taught you?

5. Do you think it’s more important to have lots of casual friends or just a couple whom you can trust?

These types of inquiries teach you more about another person’s family views and their social compatibility with others. This helps you understand about social support the person needs to feel grounded.

Questions About Personal Growth and Development

Asking someone about their personal growth and development can help you learn more about their self-awareness and how they strive to improve themselves. These five questions help you get to know someone’s self-views:

1. What’s something you’ve recently learned about yourself?

2. What’s a personal goal you’re currently working towards?

3. Can you tell me something you’ve done that you’re proud of?

4. In your opinion, what is your most important quality?

5. What is your favorite self-care routine?

This type of questioning often leads to more creative and inspiring discussions. Sharing inspirational information about how we see ourselves promotes shared bonding and a deeper mutual understanding.

Wrapping-up Inspirational Questions to Get To Know Someone

Getting to know someone better can be a rewarding experience, and asking the right questions can help build a strong connection. The questions in this article will help you get moving in the right direction. But there are also many other insightful questions to get to know someone better.

If you’d like to see this guide of 300 fun, deep, and illuminating questions to get to know someone, click: amzn.to/3VQWVnB

Remember to be genuine and curious and to listen actively to the other person’s responses. With these tips in mind, you’ll be able to connect with others on a deeper level and build more meaningful relationships.

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  1. My favorite question to ask everyone is: What does your ideal future life look like?

    It really tells you a lot about how busy a person wants to be, what their life goals are, what matters to them, and how they want their life to look.

  2. Really great article to search up quickly if you’re nervous about a meeting. They’re also really great questions to inspire questions you really want to ask, like a starting point

  3. I love this! It’s sometimes difficult to find things to talk about (depending on how well you know the person, etc.), so having a list of icebreaker questions is super helpful! Thank you for sharing.

  4. This is very helpful for me. Sometimes it is very difficult for me to start a conversation with someone I don’t really know. I’ll keep these questions top of mind for my next new interaction. Thanks for sharing!

  5. I love this. As a former reporter and editor, I like to get to know what makes people tick. These questions are outside the basics, so definitely will peel off more layers of the onion skin!

  6. Hey! That’s a really great and helpful post! Especially for the ones who are a little more introvert. Or for those who just seek inspiration for new small talk topics 😊

  7. It is very useful to have such a list handy as for me it happens that I don’t always come up with the right questions when meeting someone. Thanks for sharing all of those, amazing post!

    1. After a lot of research, these are the questions I found to be most helpful when it comes to getting to know someone. I hope you found them useful too! Thank you for commenting.

  8. These are such great questions to ask when you’re getting to know someone. Whether it’s a new friend or a possible romantic interest, I love how you’ve organized them in different sections.

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