In A Conundrum? Find Your Joy in a Chaotic World
Attempting to find your joy in this modern age is difficult when we’re surrounded by negativity. Bad news seems to be all over television, social media, and everywhere else we turn. If you’re alive and breathing, you understand that we’re living in a chaotic and troubled world.
Truthfully, our world is enough to drive a sane person to the opposite spectrum! So,it’s no wonder why you often may feel like you’re being carried along in a conundrum!
However, there are ways to put negativity in its proper place and discover joy instead! Within this post lies the key to obtaining a positive mindset and finding the happiness often buried in life’s daily humdrum.
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The Master Key For Discovering Joy
Many people think joy comes from receiving good fortune. And it is true. When good things happen, we temporarily feel joyful.
But lasting joy?
Long-term joy comes from inside us and can’t be found in external circumstances. Sure, we are joyful when good things happen to our family or when we get a job promotion.
But finding true joy when the world appears to be falling down around us? Sometimes, we have to dig a little to seek it out.
So, let’s open ourselves up to new options and search for joy in places where we’ve never thought to look before.

Unlock the Master Key to Find Your Joy
Sometimes, life feels so demanding that we become wrapped up in our small corner of the world. But when we focus only on ourselves, our view of the world becomes limited.
The problem is that in escaping the negativity of the world around us, we tend to become overly focused on our personal problems. From there, it’s easy to become locked in a negative state.
Thus, expanding our world and opening our minds to new options is crucial to climb out of this rut. As the quote goes, we have to become the positive change we want the world to be.
The best way to do this is to take some attention from our personal thoughts and feelings and put effort into making the world better for others.
So, the master key to find your joy is simply helping others! In doing so, you’ll be making the world a better place.
The Expert Weighs In
The UK Mental Health Foundation tells us, “Volunteering and helping others can help us feel a sense of belonging, make new friends, and connect with our communities. Face-to-face activities, such as volunteering at a food bank, can also help reduce loneliness and isolation.”
Helping Others Offers New Opportunities
Once you begin experiencing personal satisfaction from helping others, exciting things can happen. New experiences, a healthier outlook, possible work opportunities, and expanded social horizons could come along.
However, you don’t have to volunteer to be able to help others!
There are probably people in your neighborhood who need a bit of help. Helping friends and neighbors allows you to escape the effects of a conundrum and find joy.
When you do your part, it’s a win-win situation! So, here are 25 ways to escape the conundrum by spreading cheer and making this chaotic world more beautiful for those around you.

25 Ways You Can Help Others
1. Offer an elderly or disabled neighbor rides to the grocery store, to the hair salon, or to run errands for them. Many low-income households struggle with safe, affordable transportation.
2. If you see someone walking towards a door, get there first and open it for them. This is especially helpful for mothers with young children.
3. Offer to help someone with limited resources to get the help they need. Research information online and print out anything helpful. Individuals without computer access, such as the older population or low-income groups, often need access to services or online forms. People with health issues need to learn more about disease processes and healthcare needs. You can help fill out job applications, forms for government assistance, etc.
4. Anytime you pass someone, make eye contact and smile. A smile provides an immediate mood lift, especially when someone smiles back. It creates a feeling of connection for both parties.
5. Turn off your phone and television set and play a game with your family. Family time creates close-knit bonding and happy memories with loved ones.
6. Call someone with whom you’ve lost touch. Chances are both you and they could use the connection. Enjoy catching up.
7. If anyone in your neighborhood is ill or socially isolated, bake or buy something delicious and take it to them. If you’re invited inside, stay and visit for a while. A personal touch means everything to someone feeling lonely and sad.
8. Invite others to dinner or out to a restaurant meal, especially someone who can’t afford to go on their own.
9. Surprise someone with flowers. If they ask why, you can tell them it’s because you think of them. If sending flowers is too much, try this awesome substitute.

Making someone smile causes your heart to smile, too! It’s such a simple way to find joy during a long day.
10. Adopt a pet from your local shelter and teach your new fur baby about love. Moreover, you’ll be gifted with unconditional love in return.
11. Mentor a child. Guiding a young person in need ensures your positive influence extends into the next generation.
12. Make an effort to talk to someone at work, the gym, or elsewhere who always seems to be alone. Then, offer to get together soon. Everyone needs to feel connected, and you can be the person who reaches out.
13. Pay for someone’s groceries or for their order at the drive-through. A good deed often inspires others to pay it forward.
14. Be a courteous driver and use your blinkers. If someone needs into your lane, let them go ahead. It’s surprising how satisfying these small gestures can feel.

15. Encourage someone who needs it. If you notice anyone who’s a little down, give them a hug or a pat on the shoulder. For people comfortable with touch, the tactile sense goes a long way toward meeting emotional needs. Some people who live alone go for days without being touched by another human being.
16. Take a meal to someone suffering from difficult circumstances. If you live in a small town, you understand the comfort this brings.
17. Organize a group to repair someone’s home, fence, or yard. It’s common for some people to spend every dime on monthly necessities with nothing left for other needs.
18. Bring a goodie basket to work and put it in the breakroom to share with co-workers. This could be the catalyst that turns a bad day into a good one for someone.

Gifting a goodie basket brings joy to everyone, and it’s a great way to add joy to your day, too.
19. Organize a Secret Santa Operation. It doesn’t have to be a Christmas activity. You could do Christmas in July, the Secret Summer Operation, or a Fall Fun Project. This is a fun way to lighten up a dull month for your friends.
20. Reserve and pay for a weekend in a nice bed and breakfast. Then, delight a friend with a spur-of-the-moment trip for the two of you.
21. Offer to babysit for a busy mom who never has time for herself. As an added surprise, throw in a gift certificate for the nail salon or movie theater.
22. Write notes of support to people you appreciate and hide them for each person to find. It’s sure to make someone’s day!
23. Do something nice for a local shelter or nursing home. Bring flowers from your garden, a small gift for each resident, or arrange for a musical performance by a local choir. Any effort would be appreciated for this often-forgotten sector of our population.

24. Call and surprise someone on their birthday. Also, send a thoughtful card telling him or her what is special about them.
25. Mow your neighbor’s yard while they are out so they come home to one less chore they don’t have to do.
Concluding In A Conundrum; Find Your Joy
We’ve explored how helping others brings happiness to them and to yourself. Furthermore, it also brings a sense of connection and long-term joy when you make it a regular habit. It helps you see the world from others’ points of view and expands your world into a larger, richer universe.
Giving of yourself actually means there’s more of you to keep. This is because giving to others results in emotional and personal growth. Additionally, giving can create new opportunities and relationships. It helps bring life into balance.
So, now that you have the master key for getting out of a conundrum, you can find your joy by placing the key in the lock. Here’s to hoping you take these ideas and run with them. Let’s work together to make a positive change and help this world become a better place.
I love these tips for finding joy in helping others! – Ash (asheycakes)
I like this website very much, Its always great to read your posts!
Thanks for sharing ways to galvanize our happiness!
This is such a delightful selection of ways to find our joy. I love the idea to bring flowers from my garden to a shelter or nursing home.
Great reminders to be mindful and kind to our community. As an animal lover “Adopt a pet from your local shelter and teach your new fur baby what it means to be loved” is a favorite of mine. I love to spend time with the local shelter in my hometown just to show them some love and attention. Thank you for sharing!
Got some new ideas. Thanks for this! Working on positive changes every day. Baby steps!
Enlighting post. Kindness goes a long way!
This post is really amazing. It talks about how many small bad things can happen during our day, and how they can make us feel sad or upset. It’s surprising how these little negative moments can slowly make us feel less happy overall. That’s why it’s important for us to do things that make us feel good and bring joy around us.
This is such an amazing post. It’s so true that so many small negative things throughout the day can really add up and have a negative impact on ourselves! I think that doing something nice for someone else is one of the fastest ways to feel joy in ourselves!
You and I are in total agreement there! Sometimes we need to take our minds off ourselves and do some good in the world. It’s a great way to lift our spirits!
And the reward is so much more than the effort you put in to do it. To light up the life of another is an amazing thing to do!
I like this. Easy and free ways to make a difference in the lives of others.
I love these suggestions!!!
Thank you, Carissa! I appreciate that!
Great ideas! I’ve tried some of these before and it feels AMAZING! Another option I would add is: spread some positivity online. While scrolling social media, stop every now and then to add a positive comment on a stranger’s post. You’ll both feel great!
That is a great point, Amanda! Focusing on positive energy counters the effects of the negative. Love your comment!
Love this! One of my personal goals this year is to turn negative experiences into something positive. Instead of dwelling on something that initially upset me, I recognize the feeling and then make it a point to do something nice for someone else. It keeps me from stewing in anger and it makes someone else’s day in the process. Win-win!
Thank you so much, Heather! Your comment is spot on!