woman sits in front of black laptop computer

Burned Out At Work? Here’s What You Need To Know

Feeling burned at work can be difficult to overcome. Furthermore, it’s a problem not only for employees but also for employers due to the resulting cost of lost productivity.

And burnout from work is all too common. In a survey of 10,000 workers conducted by Asana last year, 70% were experiencing career-related burnout.

So, If you’re feeling emotionally or physically fatigued from pressure at work, you are not alone.

Why Do You Feel Burnout From Work?

Burnout is a state of emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion. It’s caused by prolonged stress and is often related to work or job duties. Moreover, the risk of burnout increases when work activities are monotonous or chaotic.

Burnout can lead to feelings of cynicism, detachment, and a decreased sense of accomplishment.

However, it can also result in worker fatigue, anxiety, and even depression. As career challenges become overwhelming, a person begins to shut down positive emotions regarding work. The individual can feel trapped and helpless. This is usually due to a high-pressure environment or a feeling of having no control over one’s workload.

Brain needs battery recharge from work fatigue

Feeling burnout from work signals the brain that mental and emotional batteries need recharging.

Signs And Symptoms of Feeling Burned Out At Work

Symptoms of feeling burned out at work include the following:

  • lack of interest or motivation at work
  • frequent forgetfulness
  • hopelessness for the current situation and the future
  • procrastination
  • sleep disturbances
  • lack of energy
  • changes in appetite
  • frequent health problems (headaches, high blood pressure, etc.)
  • anxiety/despair, feeling disillusioned with work or dissatisfied with achievements
  • easily irritated/angered, or impatient with others at work
  • cynicism towards work
  • chronic stress
  • increased use of unhealthy coping mechanisms such as smoking, comfort foods, drugs, or alcohol
Burnout from work creates self-isolation.

Burnout at work leads to feelings of isolation toward co-workers and management.

Over time, stress regarding burnout from work can lead to health problems such as Heart Disease, Hypertension, and digestive issues. But the good news is, there are some things you can do to improve your situation!

In fact, recent studies tell us personal activities outside of work could provide greater relief than rearranging work duties.

For tips regarding how to increase motivation to deal with burnout, see How To Get Motivated.

What You Can Do To Relieve Burnout From Work

  1. Take a break. If possible, take a short break from work. This could mean taking a day off, going on vacation, or simply taking a few hours to do something that you enjoy. Even getting outside to enjoy a nice lunch in a restaurant, picnic at the park, or a power walk can be helpful.
  2. Prioritize self-care. Make sure to take care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally. This could include getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and engaging in stress-reducing activities such as meditation or yoga. If it’s difficult to find time for relaxation and self-care, start small, with 10-minute spurts of activity at a time.
  3. Set boundaries. One Medical informs us boundaries are needed to avoid overworking yourself. This could mean setting limits on work hours, saying no to additional tasks or projects, and taking breaks throughout the workday.
  4. Seek support. Talk to someone you trust, such as a friend or family member, about how you’re feeling. Consider seeking professional help from a therapist or counselor.
  5. Reassess your workload. Take a look to see if any tasks can be delegated. Or if there are better ways to manage your time.
  6. Make time for family. Allowing work to interfere with dinner and bedtime rituals will magnify feelings of work burnout.
  7. Developing a good rapport with your supervisor and one or two co-workers helps prevent feelings of isolation. Making an effort to promote a team-player environment will encourage a supportive atmosphere.
  8. Celebrate small successes. This supports morale and builds resilience.
  9. Perform more activities where you have control. For example, you could teach a class or lead a volunteer project.
  10. Master a skill, such as learning woodworking or how to paint.
Making time for family helps prevent burnout.

Spending plenty of time with family decreases symptoms of burnout and promotes a healthy life balance.

Rewire Your Brain To Stop Feeling Burned Out At Work

An additional strategy for dealing with work burnout includes rewiring your brain for positive thinking. In particular, begin thinking about your job as a friend instead of an enemy. For example, view it as an opportunity that allows you to live in your home, feed your family, go shopping, etc.

Imagine all the things you enjoy but would not have without your job.

Your work gives you and your family the things you need. And, if you have health insurance and other benefits, it also gives you peace of mind.

Furthermore, focus on what you liked about your work when you first started. What made you take this particular job? Finding and focusing on positives helps with balancing perspective.

Over time, thinking about your job in a healthy light rewires the brain to make a positive change. Thus, feeling gratitude for the benefits provided by your job helps increase satisfaction and overall well-being.

However, it is essential to occasionally reexamine your life goals. What do you really want out of life? Would your goals or plans be better met elsewhere? If so, it may be time for a career change.

Final Thoughts For Feeling Burned Out At Work

When engaging in evening or weekend activities, choose opportunities not related to work. Actions that employ relaxation and connect us with others fuel energy levels and decrease symptoms of burnout.

Remember, burnout from work is a common experience, and it’s important to take steps to manage it. So, don’t be afraid to reach out for help or make changes in your work life to prioritize your well-being.

Tips for dealing with burnout from work

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  1. yes work burnout is so real my hubby is absoulutely digusted with his job and i can tell because he is either angry or sad before he goes and has even started calling in every other week he says he’s going to stick it out til the end of the year and then he’s leaving

  2. The burnout was real for me! I left my job in July and now working on the things I am passionate about. I am so much happier and have so much peace.

  3. Great read! I’ve been there before, burned out, mentally exhausted from work. I use to be the one that always said yes to extra work, I had to learn how to start saying no sometimes to avoid the burnout. Thank you for sharing!

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